Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just In Case You Were Wondering

Hello Everyone! I’m Simone, I’m 20, and I’m a junior Communication major and Sociology minor. I’m a second year RA on campus, and it was the best and worst decision I ever made in my life. It was great because when I was in high school I told myself I was going to go to college for free. Being and RA and also being an Acker scholar enables me to do that, but I basically had to sell my soul.

Well, the game I chose in my first floor meeting to get to know my residents was what I like to call Color Me… What this game entails is I choose a few colors, and then match them to questions I come up with. I’m going to answer a few of the questions for you that I came up with.

The first question was, “Are what you imagined you would be at this age?” That’s sort of a wordy question, but basically it’s asking did you reach the goals you set for yourself when you were younger. I’ll answer that with a resounding yes. When I was 14 or 15 I knew I wanted to be fabulous. I wanted to be intelligent, be going to school for free, and I wanted to be successful.

Over the summer I interned, and I loved it. What I especially loved is that I had another intern in my store, and he was International Business, so theoretically he should have been better at the job than me, but he wasn’t. It makes me really proud of being a COM major because all along I’ve said, “You can get just as much as a business major, but only have to do half the work as a COM major.

The second interesting question I had was, “If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?” My book would definitely be titled, Hustling Isn’t Easy. My parents are from the Caribbean, and from day one they were letting me know that I wasn’t going to get anywhere without a degree. I’m the first child to go to college, so I’m trying to set the bar for my little sister who just started her freshman year at Howard.

The last question I’ll answer that I asked my residents is, “What completely frivolous thing would you buy right now with an unlimited amount of money?” The one thing I’d love right now is an Infiniti G37. Black on Black, rims, the whole 9 yards. It’s not to say I don’t love my 95 Escort aptly named Lil Mama. We had a good run, and she needs to go to the great junk yard in the sky.

I hope to get a better understanding of how to fully use all the resources available to me on the internet. This class seems like it will be sort of fun because I won’t lie, I love to write. And the fact we most likely won’t be writing essays about random theories makes me that much more excited.


Derek said...

Welcome to the class! Remember to link directly to a post when you are commenting on it, not just to the blog.

Via said...

So I FINALLY found your Blog... Heyyy Simone :) i love how you knew you wanted to be fabulous at age 14 deff had the same thoughts at um age 4. Great minds think alike ;) & who wouldn’t want free schooling??? go girl!